[Public-List] Fwd: Pricing Discrepancy Log thru 7/29/16

David Mitchell via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Mon Aug 1 06:34:54 PDT 2016

David E. Mitchell

www.mitchellent.com <http://www.mitchellent.com/>
Phone: (972) 239-0063 x107
Fax: (972) 239-7472
Cell: (972) 880-4924

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Becky Anderson <reanderson at hartcool.com>
> Subject: Pricing Discrepancy Log thru 7/29/16
> Date: August 1, 2016 at 8:07:35 AM CDT
> To: Amy Delp <adelp at hartcool.com>, Leanne M Fairchild <lfairchild at hartcool.com>, "D. Christopher Baird" <cbaird at hartcool.com>, Thomas Bauer <tbauer at hartcool.com>, Denis Bauerle Jr. <dbauerle at hartcool.com>, Jason Henk <jhenk at hartcool.com>, Eckhard Hilscher <ehilscher at selkirkcorp.com>, Joe David Littlefield <dlittlefield at hartcool.com>, Michael Lomacz <mlomacz at hartcool.com>, "Richard Sinistore" <rsinistore at selkirkcorp.com>, Brian Butterfield <bbutterfield at hartcool.com>, Bob Emmell <bemmell at selkirkcorp.com>, "Brown L Point" <bpoint at selkirkcorp.com>, Dannell C Matus <dmatus at selkirkcorp.com>, Gary Light <glight at selkirkcorp.com>, 'Bill Rante' <brante at keylinesales.com>, Repko Marketing <repkomrkt at att.net>, 'Brian Bushnell' <brian at huttonbushnell.com>, Bruce McBride <bruce at mcbridesales.com>, "'Charles Bronner'" <charles.bronner at gmail.com>, Beth Adams <badams at hartcool.com>, 'Chris Richgels' <CHRIS at TRCSALES.COM>, David Mitchell <david at mitchellent.com>, 'Dick Hill' <richardchill at comcast.net>, "Endres Company" <endresco at aol.com>, Steven Bitondo <sbitondo at hartcool.com>, "'Eric Fehr'" <eric at fehrandhoward.com>, Eric Hoppes <ehoppes at aol.com>, Jeff Weiss <jweiss at m-w-k.com>, 'Jerry Shive' <jerry at asgmail.com>, 'Jerry Thompson' <jwthom5004 at gmail.com>, 'John Grier' <john at jsgasales.com>, Mark Coleman <mark at mitchellent.com>, 'Michael Bockstein' <BOCKASSOC at AOL.COM>, "'Mitch Lloyd'" <mitch.lloyd at att.net>, Nolan Bozarth <nolan at cascadeproducts.com>, Steve Burke <sburke at m-w-k.com>, 'Tom Loder' <tom at thermcoreps.com>, "'Ken McGregor'" <ken at mcgregor-assoc.com>, 'Ty Tipton' <Ty at TiptonCompany.com>, "Tony Fabris" <tfabris at hartcool.com>, Timothy McDonald <tmcdonald at hartcool.com>, Matthew Banes <mbanes at hartcool.com>, Brian Queensberry <bqueensberry at hartcool.com>, 'Wayne Gaither' <wayne at trcsales.com>, "'Corey Howard'" <corey at fehrandhoward.com>, Matthew Nathaniel Orsini <morsini at hartcool.com>, "CKANEMASU at CASCADEPRODUCTS.COM" <CKANEMASU at CASCADEPRODUCTS.COM>
> Cc: Myka L Denstedt <mdenstedt at hartcool.com>, Retta Cooper <rgordon at americanmetalproducts.com>, Rosa E Hughes <rhughes at hartcool.com>, Diane S Kooiker <dkooiker at americanmetalproducts.com>, Nataline Kay Moore <kmoore at americanmetalproducts.com>, Myrna A Ross <mross at hartcool.com>, "Robin Smith" <robsmith at hartcool.com>, Jeffrey Vanregenmorter <jvanregenmorter at hartcool.com>, Suzanne M Welton <swelton at hartcool.com>, Cynthia Molenkamp <cmolenkamp at hartcool.com>, Gary Labatte <glabatte at selkirkcorp.com>, Richard Yahoub <ryahoub at hartcool.com>, "Jacquelyn Scarpone" <jscarpone at hartcool.com>, Sarah Aitken <saitken at hartcool.com>, "Lisa Wolff" <lwolff at hartcool.com>, Pamela Reynolds <preynolds at hartcool.com>, Allison May <allison.may at hartcool.com>, Ryan Paul Heidelberger <ryan.paul.heidelberger at hartcool.com>, Memorie Lee Konecny <memorie.lee.konecny at hartcool.com>
> Good Morning,
> Attached is the updated listing of sales orders awaiting revised purchase orders.
> We had 7 orders on hold from Friday.  Any help on these will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you to all in advance for your help.
> Thank you,
> Becky Anderson
> Customer Service Representative
> P. 800-433-6341
> F  800-223-8461
> 5030 Corporate Exchange Blvd SE
> Grand Rapids, MI 49512
> hartandcooleyinc.com <http://www.hartandcooleyinc.com/> 
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