[Public-List] Rudder Skin Thickness

Kristian Larson via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Sat Feb 6 16:52:17 PST 2016

Hi Greg,
I built a new rudder for my Alberg #127 Mara a couple years ago. I used 2
layers of 1/2" Divinycell foam for the core. I got the foam from the
fibreglass supply store Fibertec I go to.  For the glass cloth I used heavy
bi-axial cloth. I can't remember the weight. It was very thick. The worker
at fibertec said it was the heaviest he would recommend for the project
because any thicker and I would have trouble "wetting it out" completely.
For the number of layers, I just built it on personal reckoning.  Not
scientific at all but figure it is over built compared to the original.
The 2 layers of foam sandwiched a core of 6 layers of glass which wrapped
around the rudder shaft, if that makes sense.  (I cut the cloth into
3 double butterflied rudder shapes so  they are rudder shaped when folded
in half around the shaft making 6 layers).
Once the foam sandwich hardened I sanded the foam into the foil rudder
shape and glassed 6 more layers of cloth for the outside.  All that took
over 2 1/2 gallons of westsystems epoxy.
It's a very good feeling having a new rudder hanging off your keel.
Probably one of the more enjoyable projects I've tackled as it doesn't
involve any awkward spaces.


On Saturday, 6 February 2016, Greg Roberts via Public-List <
public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:

> Hi Folks,After much too much time I'm again looking at building a new
> rudder for Ayla. Does anyone know what the average thickness of glass that
> was used in the fiberglass rudders? Foam density?
> Regards,
> Greg
> Happy Connecting. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 5
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