[Public-List] Introduction and Standing Rigging

Avery Boyer via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Mon Jul 4 22:35:08 PDT 2016

Hi Gerard,

Did this last year on my own boat. My only suggestion is to skip the
loctite and sealant suggested by various sources online. I spoke with
sta-lock representatives (both their US distributor and at their
headquarters in the UK) and they swore up and down that the sealant
and loctite were not necessary. Knowing this made my life a lot
easier, as the fittings are currently shipped with tef-gel (a very
good lubricant and corrosion inhibitor) which would have to be removed
to properly seal the fittings. Otherwise, they are very easy to use
and well worth the price.



On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 1:14 AM, Gerard Kuperus via Public-List
<public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Let me start with a few words of introduction: Since last September I own Skye Mist, one of the last Alberg 30's built and located in California (San Francisco Bay). She has been well-cared for but there were numerous unfinished projects (and there still are). For example, she did not have an engine (but came with MD7A that I installed). She also had some weird plumbing issues and when I hauled her in the spring I replaced all the thru-hulls. I am glad I did: the engine inlet kind of fell apart when I pulled it out. I read here that this is a somewhat common problem.
> In any case, this list has been a great tool and now that I am on the next project, I am finally introducing myself. It is not that I am shy, but I am pretty far away from most other Alberg 30 owners.
> I decided that the next big project should be another safety project: replacing the standing rigging. Besides one bend stud it does not look bad, but it is swaged and no one knows how old it is. A fair guestimate is 10 years. The upper shrouds are covered by a plastic tube (which promotes corrosion). Lastly, summers are very windy here. All in all, there is no way I can talk myself out of doing this project.
> I decided to order everything through Rigging Only (unless someone has a better suggestion) and will go for the Sta-Lok mechanical terminals. I will take down the mast at a local boat yard, check the masts, take the old shrouds and stays off, build the new ones, attach them, etc etc. I want to order everything beforehand.
> So here is my question: after doing some measurements with the aid of the halyards I think I have the number of feet for the wires (with a generous number of "security" length). I decided to replace also the turnbuckles, and, (obviously) need forks and eyes. Below is my list of items that I want to order. The question is: Am I missing anything (besides the sealant, which I do not think is sold by Rigging Only)?
> Wire (1x19)
> 84' of 3/16
> 151' of ¼
> Turnbuckles (open body), Body and Lower Jaw
> 4 of 3/8
> 4 of ½
> Studs
> 4 of 3/16 wire (and 3/8 RH)
> 4 of ¼ wire (and ½ RH)
> Forks
> 4 of 3/16 wire (x 5/16 pin)
> 2 of ¼ wire (x 7/16 pin)
> Eyes
> 2 of ¼ wire (x 3/8 pin)
> Of course, any suggestions are welcome as well!
> Thank you so much!
> Gerard
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