[Public-List] 1975 bilge leak

Greg Hounsell via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Tue Mar 1 16:16:54 PST 2016

Is the plywood floor located about a foot from the rear of the bilge
standard or something a previous owner put in?

If it's standard is it structural or just there to hold some bilge hose

The one in mine is mostly rotten and of course sitting under the liner's
engine pan. I've sealed (at least I think I've got it sealed) the rest of
the bilge to keep water out of the keel. But there is still some leakage
down into the keel and the last place to try and fix is this floor and the
bilge aft of it. Luckily the engine is out for a rebuild.

...time to cut the liner out for access!

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