[Public-List] Meeting Tuesday Nov 15th 6PM AYC

George Dinwiddie via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Mon Nov 14 08:43:41 PST 2016


On 11/14/16 11:34 AM, Jonathan Bresler via Public-List wrote:
> Brooke,
> The matter has been discussed on the racing list.  The most recent email
> was sent Friday to the racing list.
>  It has been brought to my attention that sending the following message to the
> racing list may not reach the full set of interested Albergers.  Please excuse
> the rather late date of this email.
> There are two Alberg 30 email lists: one for all members, and one for
> racers. If you did not receive the email, you may wish to check that you
> are subscribed to the racing list.

There are THREE Alberg 30 email lists.

   public-list which is open to anyone and is for general discussions of 
the Alberg 30 and all things sailing
   member-list to which only association members may subscribe and is 
for discussions of association business, events, and news
   racing-list which is administered by the racing commodore for A30 
members interested in racing, and their crew.

If you want to reach members not on the racing-list, I would think that 
you would notify the member-list. Many members find the public-list too 
active for their tastes.

  - George

   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.                          also see:
                'The Middle' by Ogden Nash     http://idiacomputing.com

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