[Public-List] Cockpit Vertical Surfaces Refresh

Jonathan Bresler via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Sun Apr 16 10:10:00 PDT 2017


Thanks to all who explained how they seal the chainplate openings at the
deck. Not having installed chainplate covers yet, there's not the option of
using such covers to contain and maintain pressure on butyl tape, at this
time.  So ended up using 3M white sealant.  Good news is that the sealant
was applied a week ago,  washed the decks heavily today.  No indication of
any moisture inside.  Thank goodness!

Next question:  the outside surfaces of the aft end of the cabin and the
vertical sides of the cockpit foot well are looking more than a little
tired.  In addition, there are pockmarks in the port side bulkhead
surface....not deep, just unsightly.  How should these surfaces be
refreshed?  Sand lightly, clean with TSP, and paint?  Never done any
gelcoat work; don't know anything about how it done.

Happy Easter,
Jonathan....who will be incommunicado till Wednesday morning when the boat
Jonathan M Bresler
S/V Constance Alberg 30 #262
Annapolis/Eastport MD

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