[Public-List] Use of Chisels

Greg Dawson via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Sat Mar 18 09:29:29 PDT 2017

So I have the same problem with removing antifouling paint and in my case the previous owner claims to have stripped the boat and applied a barrier coat before applying the antifouling. In truth I think that he simply applied antifouling paint over what was already there. I too have looked at the various options and found them all very costly whilst being potentially very environmentally unfriendly. 

By accident whilst digging around my rudder mountings discovered that a standard paint scraper worked quite well (the kind that looks like a screwdriver with a blade attached). At least on the thick areas. As my antifouling is up to 1/8th of an inch in places it flew off. When you say using the flat edge do you mean effectively upside down? I'm going to try this, hopefully without gouging large chunks out of the gel coat....

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