[Public-List] Knowledge

Gordon Laco via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Thu Sep 28 16:10:24 PDT 2017

Well here’s something I left out of my race story, that may swing the meter away from wisdom, on my account anyway.

Remember at the end of the story, SURPRISE and EVERGREEN were straining downwind in heavy air for the finish... they going straight at it and we zigging downwind?

Well I left part of the story out, and it explains how they got so close to catching us at the finish.

Both boats where throwing terrific bow waves, really sailing fast.  I got an idea.  I said to my crew ‘I’ll bet this finish looks fantastic to those guys in the committee boat.  I think I’m going to try to splash them with our bow wave.’  And having said that, I began edging SURPRISE further toward a broad reach on port tack till we were aiming directly at the committee boat.  Hee hee, I thought, won’t they be horrified as we bear down on them.   

Then my son Pete was the one who noticed that the finish line was badly skewed, favouring the pin end off to starboard... and EVERGREEN was making for that.  Pete said ‘Ah Dad, shouldn’t we finish the race before we start screwing around again?’   Good point.  

Then I noticed that we did not have much of a lead, taking the skewed line into consideration.  Oh no.  should we hang on our old course for speed or dive down for the finish, taking our lumps in terms of losing the jib but hoping the shorter course was better?  Oh no, oh no, they’re gaining, they’re gaining... finally I couldn’t stand it any more and did what I should have done earlier and gybed onto starboard, onto a course converging with EVERGREEN.  

We got them, but only just.  It wouldn’t have been such a squeaker if I’d paid more attention earlier.  After we finished we gybed again and reached over to leeward of the committee boat to clear the finish area.  As we swept by they yelled ‘you guys looked for a while like you were going to come right at us!’  I didn’t answer, just waved...

On 2017-09-28, 6:58 PM, "Public-List on behalf of Rod Symmes via Public-List" <public-list-bounces at lists.alberg30.org on behalf of public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:

    Many thanks to Gord, George, Michael and David.
    Any day that I learn something new, is a good day.  If it makes me a better sailor or helps me improve my boat – even better.
    Today has been an exceptional day.
    Please keep sharing .    Rod
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