[Public-List] Replies

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Fri Jun 29 13:45:26 PDT 2018


On 6/29/18 4:26 PM, Zachary Smith via Public-List wrote:
> The problem is, hitting reply on most email clients copies the contents of
> the message being replied to. This chains into the long messages.
> You are asking people to take time to manually highlight and delete this
> with every message.
> It'll never happen.

It happens frequently, but you don't notice when it does. And, yes, it's 
harder to do on a phone than on a computer.

> A plugin for the list to eliminate duplicated text could be installed on
> the site (or built). In theory anyway.
> Sysadmin thoughts?

The list manager software is open source. See 
https://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/ for how you can submit such a feature.

  - George

   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.                          also see:
                'The Middle' by Ogden Nash     http://idiacomputing.com

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