[Public-List] LED Bulbs

Mike Lehman mlehman at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 06:28:42 PDT 2019

We have several light fixtures on the boat that take standard base bulbs
(like those at home). Naturally on the boat, the voltage is 12V while at
home it is 110V. I plan to change out the bulbs on the boat to LED (have
already made this change to all of the bulbs at home). So as an experiment,
I took one of the LED (Home) bulbs, that was purchased at IKEA, and tried
it on the boat not expecting it to work...but it did! Not quite as bright
as it is when connected to a 110 lamp, but bright enough to read by. I was
very surprised.

Can anyone shed some light (pun intended) on this topic? Why did this work?
is it safe? It sure as hell is a lot cheaper than 'Marine' 12v bulbs.

Mike Lehman

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