[Public-List] At TIBS...

Gordon Laco mainstay at csolve.net
Mon Jan 20 12:54:22 PST 2020

Well here I am at the Toronto Int’l Boat Show… (Booth #1757)

My first seminar over in ’The Boathouse’ is behind me… as usual I was competing for attention with Twiggy the Waterskiiing Squirrel whose pond is just over from the speaking venue.  That’s tough competition.  

Three A30 people have come by… nice to meet folks face to face I normally only exchange emails with.   As usual my colleagues across the way are continuing a boat  show tradition I started some years ago… it’s a sort of competition where we try to be the first to spot the most inappropriate footwear on a visiter strolling by.  One scores a point by spotting the spectacle, then catching the other’s eye before they catch mine.  I think (hope) this is pretty subtle because there’s no pointing nor hollering.  And that reminds me of what might be the closest to being arrested I’ve ever come.

We were in Bantry, Ireland and it was Saturday night.  All the local talent were out dressed in their party gear at the pub.  The floors of the ancient place were very rough cobblestones;  imagine the spectacle of women in mini-skirts and killer high heels trying to walk on the uneven cobblestones in the dark.   I was feeling a little jolly and decided to send a picture of this to my wife back in Canada.  

So thinking swiftly, I took out my iPhone and aimed it at the feet of a bunch of young women… and the flash went off.  Luckily I missed them and all I got a picture of was the floor… but they thought (correctly alas) I was taking a photo of their legs and footwear.   “I was just going to send the picture to my wife!  I thought it would be funny!  It’s not what you think!”  was my cry…  You can imagine the scowls I got back… but it was Ireland, so after I explained more fully, it ended in laughter at my expense and we bought each other drinks.

… I’m NOT going to try that here…although there have been some quite ridiculous shoes going by.  Man o man, who’d wear stuff like that to a boat show… in the winter...

426 Surprise

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