[Public-List] Fixing the propane heater--resolved, in a better way

Randy Katz randy.katz50 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 16:45:27 PDT 2020

Well, having taken advice from a couple of you, with thanks to Kris who
wrote in some detail with suggestions, I found that the local hardware
store actually had a $12 replacement thermocouple that, while not exactly
the same, appeared very similar and worked. The sender end bolt (M-8) to
the control valve was the right size. Threads on the sensor end were too
big, so I sanded them off to make a fit in the clamp holder part. It
works--and now safely: the propane should shut off if the flame goes out

I have the DIYer satisfaction of finding that with enough horsing around I
could fix it--great to know, again.

Best regards to all,

Randy Katz
#249, Simple Gifts

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