[Public-List] whale pump

dterrell1 at charter.net dterrell1 at charter.net
Sun Jul 2 14:40:03 PDT 2023

some time ago this group helped me confirm which whale pump I had. At
that time there was a problem removing the pump so that it could be
serviced. The problem is that there are two bolts on the port side of
the pump area that play role in holding the pump up. On one of them it
was easy to remove the nut. On the other one, not so. When I came back
to this project yesterday, it turned out that both the bolt and the
nut were turning together. The result was that the nut would not come
out. The tightness of the space does not allow one to make the bolt be
stable while the nut is turned off. 
So, I would appreciate any help in solving this problem. I do not see
how one could change to valves in the pump without removing it.
Changing the diaphragm was easy.
your thoughts?
David, 432

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