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<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>At the end of (my) sailing season this past
fall, I finally saw what the local Tilghman Islanders have been warning of. The
new bridge is operational-and it sucks. It raises and lowers much slower than
the old one, so don't plan on tooting a whistle or expect the tender to raise
the draw when he sees you. I intend to establish radio contact with him every
time I transit the area. Also, because the horizontal clearance is much less
than the old one, current velocities and eddies have changed (for the worse). My
daughter worked at the restaurant by the bridge last summer and reports watching
boats getting in and out of trouble by the bridge was great entertainment for
the staff</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>The standard joke on the island is they sent the
wrong bridge to St.. Michael's Maritime Museum.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Michael Grosh</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Checkmate #220</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>