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If anyone is interested, I found this in the Jan./Feb. issue of <i>Tidal
<p>"The Alberg 35 User Group
<br>is an informal bunch of Alberg
<br>35 owners that are interested
<br>in exchanging information
<br>about sailing and, most
<br>importantly, the Alberg 35.
<br>The primary means of
<br>communication is via email
<br>and the group is actively
<br>seeking Alberg owners.
<br>Owners of Ericson 35
<br>sailboats, a half-sister to the
<br>Alberg 35, may also be
<br>interested in contacting the
<br>group. Owners may register
<br>their boats at: www.pce.net/
<br>alley/Alberg35.html You'll find
<br>host of maintenance tips,
<br>project narratives, reprints of
<br>some articles from a couple of
<br>sailing magazines, and a few
<br>good yarns and tall tales
<br>Current and former owners
<br>are accepted to the
<br>membership. Best of all, there
<br>are no membership dues. For
<br>more information, contact
<br>Tom at: alley@acm.org"
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