<BR> Well, good luck with the new boat. In general an
Alberg is worth the effort. I don't know how bad the rust is in the Gray,
but sometimes an epoxy repair can be pretty good for at least a while.
I would not discard the engine purely because of such a fix if it runs
all right and the repair seems to hold. Not that I'd sail to Europe with
it, but it depends on the situation. The Ab Jenkins family rebuilt the
V-12 Curtis Conqueror engine in the <I>Mormon Meteor II</I>, the world
record Duesenberg-chassis car of the 1940s and 50s using epoxy to repair
the magnesium timing covers. I saw it run after being rebuilt.
<BR> Of course you may want to re-engine eventually,
but you might live with the Gray for a while until other things are put
in order. Just a thought...
Gordon White A-275</HTML>