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We just took the Genoa tracks off last weekend for the same reason.All
bolts were accessible although some were not convienient. No cutting of
fiberglass was necessary.
<br> Jim
<p>Dan Sternglass wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><tt>From:</tt> <tt>Dan Sternglass <dans@stmktg.com></tt>
<p><tt>I need to make 2 repairs to my 1966 A-30:</tt>
<p><tt>(1) I need to replace the wood under the Genoa tracks. It appears
<br><tt>the bolts go all the way through the deck, and thus that the nuts
<br><tt>only be reached by cutting into the fiberglass behind the storage</tt>
<p><tt>(2) In a related vein, about 2 feet of toe rail is rotted, port
<br><tt>aft starting at about the front of the cockpit. I could use the
<br><tt>piece for a pattern, or have a local shop make me the piece. With</tt>
<br><tt>regards to removing and installing, it apears that the bolts go
<br><tt>in the same manner as the genoa track bolts. Do I also have ot
<br><tt>fiberglass to gain access to the nuts?</tt>
<p><tt>Any comments from anyone who has done these jobs would be appreciated.
<br><tt>have not yet checked the maintenance manual, is there information
<br><tt>this there?</tt>
<p><tt>--Dan Sternglass</tt>
<br><tt>"Watcher of the Skies" 1966, Cayuga Lake, Ithaca, NY</tt>
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