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<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFF0F0" LINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#800080" ALINK="#0000FF"><tt>From:</tt> <tt>
John Birch <sunstone@idirect.com></tt>
<BR>"Sweating" is the phrase you're looking for.
<BR>A winch is handy in heavy air though, but lets face it, the days of
winchless sailing of J Class boats is long over when even the sheets were
sweated in. Things have changed since the days of Sir Thomas and
Harrold, not that I think either of them ever personally sweated (a line)
in their lives other than to shout "SELL." <B><FONT SIZE=+1>;
<P>Bob Johns wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>From: Bob Johns <bobjns@nais.com>
<P>Hi Jim, & List:
<P>You need the jib halyard winch to get the luff tight to prevent the
<BR>from sagging off. The mainsail is no problem to raise almost to the
<BR>and the last couple of inches can be done by "swigging". (I think I
may not
<BR>have the right term for this. I'd appreciate someone correcting
me if
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