<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>George,
<BR>Thanks for the hint about the mailing list archives. I wasn't aware the old
<BR>e-mail was available. I scrolled from January 2000 to the present in the old
<BR>list and all of the new list. I didn't find any articles about fresh water
<BR>cooling but there was info about engine flushout valves from Forespar.
<BR>Needless to say there was a lot of other great stuff I added to my own files.
<BR>One concern I have is I don't think I am receiving mail from the A30
<BR>Association list, just public-list. I could be wrong because I'm no computer
<BR>whiz. Please advise.
<BR>Thanks again to everyone who have shared their expertise so generously.
<BR>Jim Allocco
<BR>Barchetta Mia #565</FONT></HTML>