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<p>It sounds like you are soon ready for the road test. It sounds
like a good trailer, the proof will be in how well it trails, how safely
it trails and how long it holds up.
<p>John Ruskin, Arts and Crafts Man of Letters, once said, "There is nothing
one man can make, that another can make cheaper and sell for less...He
who buys from price alone is another's lawful prey..."
<p>It sounds like you have done your homework and have found what may be
called, "Best Value" that is, a well made, well designed trailer for a
reasonable cost...
<p>Good Luck and keep us posted on your results!
<p>Crufone@aol.com wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Trailer folks,</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>The trailer was completed today and
is on it's way to the painter. Lights and final finish to be completed
tomorrow. I am doing the stand and bow pads myself. I have
added orange flag holders and a slow moving vehicle sign for the rear.
Also added was a load leveler bar package and an anti sway bar. 7000#
axles are available, as well as G rated 14 ply tyres. This would
add to the cost, and I can get that data for you if you wish.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>I will be taking digital pics of the
completed trailer and the transport trip home to Indiana. These I
will share with Richard Hansen who can then share with whoever.</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>When the trip is completed I can more
accurately report on how well the trailer worked and others can better
decide which route they wish to go.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Michael Connolly #133</font></font></blockquote>