[alberg30] on ladders and sinks in heads

FINNUS505 at aol.com FINNUS505 at aol.com
Mon Dec 7 08:25:59 PST 1998

From: FINNUS505 at aol.com

Hi Greg,
so does that mean you are going to put a ladder in, or that you think its a
waste of space. I agree, the ladder will take up space, but it does enclose
the area above the engine box somewhat, making that a more useable storage
space, and I cant help it,  a sailboat cabin to me without a ladder just does
not look right.

As for the sink issue, Rona and I have still not really decided how we are
going to design the "WC". What our prev. owner left us was the full
athwartships  bulkheads at the for and aft ends of the head, but the door is
gone. There was no head, just some very old plumbing which I wouldn't trust

We opted for a porta-potti for this season, simply because we have so many
other higher priority jobs than plumbing in a proper holding tank.

What about the sink? Well I have a large supply of spare parts collected over
the years by myself, and my dad before me. One of them is one of these elegant
head sinks, with a fold-down basin. Once the basin folds down, the hand pump
is revealed inside. It's not one of the really nice Porcelain ones, but it is
brushed aluminum, and should clean up nice. I think the hand pump is brass.

Problem is, there really is no room for the sink in the A30 head. Maybe
mounted on the aft bulkhead of the head. We'll have to see once we get the
portapoti in place.
Take care
Lee Trachtenberg
Stargazer #255

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