[alberg30] Re: on ladders and sinks in heads

greg vandenberg fashionguy at ameritech.net
Mon Dec 7 10:08:00 PST 1998

From: greg vandenberg <fashionguy at ameritech.net>

LEE... YUP... the ladder stays a shore. It turns out that right where that
ladder goes is where the bartender has to stand. The ice to port and sink and
glasses to starboard. Welcome aboard! Don't get me wrong... we don't go out
without a designated sailor.

Sounds like you have exactly the hardware that I've removed from the (AFT)
bulkhead of the head. Brushed alum. and all. I'm afraid to get rid of it ...
its so old and so dam kut.	I do have the original wilcox crittenton (sp) jr
that I'll sell... I'm sure it only needs a little sandblasting and the bronze
would shine and maybe some gaskets. I must say that the head conpartment seams
much larger without it.

kindest regards,
greg vandenberg

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