[alberg30] Re: Thanks - Question on Average Heeling Angles
Jack Vanderloo
jvdloo at cyberus.ca
Mon Dec 14 10:33:20 PST 1998
From: Jack Vanderloo <jvdloo at cyberus.ca>
Ahoy Jackie:
As I recall - and this is now some 6 years ago - the 'pads and sheets'
were plastic and rubber materials of various shapes, sizes and
compositions, i.e., some form of 4'x6' duvet of some sort or the other,
almost like a thin gymn mat, being draped over the forehatch and
seahood. I'm sure these were odds and ends they laid their hands on and
would certainly not represent something one would pick up at one's local
chandlery! I imagine it was intended to insulate as well as ensure heat
leaks would not melt snow to form ice.
The point is, I suppose, that you will doubtless glean many
improvisational wisdom from the diehards themselves when you go down
there to Port Credit. There are now locked combination gates leading to
all docks but you should not have any problems hailing the live-aboards,
who, by this time, should all be comfortably ensconced.
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