[alberg30] Re: proposed new gummint regs

Gordon E. White gewhite at crosslink.net
Thu Dec 17 11:00:19 PST 1998

From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>

Well, I feel it's going to hurt me a lot more than them if I get run
over by a tanker or other big ship so as you say, gross tonnage rules.
Having operated a 125 ft under-powered schooner in some crowded waters I
am continually amazed at boats Alberg size or smaller that 1) have not a
clue as to the Rules of the Road or  looking out for other vessels  and
2) insist on their right of way no matter what.
    It is downright confusing in a passing situation to have the other
boat turn this way and that when the Rules are generally pretty clear.
I'd rather the other boat, when privileged, hold course & speed and let
me keep clear, but, you know, some people don't have any idea...
    And of course there was the aircraft carrier well off-shore that
kept turning into our path one trip. We were so much slower we couldn't
seem to get away from them. I finally got them on vhf and got them to
notice us.
    But if we all act sanely there would not need to be threats of more
stupid regs.
                                - Gordon White A-275

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