[alberg30] Re: projects in progress !!

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Fri Jun 5 07:35:47 PDT 1998

From: George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at min.net>

> Tom Sutherland said:
> From: tomsu at uky.campus.mci.net (Sutherland)
>  George Dinwiddie wrote:
> >Have you considered molding your own hatch out of fiberglass?  I'm very
> >wary of such changes.  You want a lot of strength and water tightness
> >in the cockpit sole.
>         I really had not concidered that option. If I can find any good
> "how to" info. I will certainly consider it.

Dan Spurr's "This Old Boat" has a really good introduction to glass 
work.  It's really not that hard; much easier to mold parts than to
do repair work on the boat.  I molded a ring for mounting the
Charlie Noble in a Rubbermaid container to replace the wood ring
that had been 5100'ed to the boat.  It's now glassed into place.

If you don't have a source nearby, Fiberglass Coatings in Florida
(http://www.fgci.com/ 800-272-7890) has good prices and are easy
to deal with.  Call 'em and ask for a catalog.

Do wear a respirator.  Styrene is nasty stuff.  I got the 3M
disposable one.  I doubt that I'd ever go through enough cannisters
to make the replacable ones worthwhile.  They come in a resealable
bag.  When they get older, they don't start leaking the fumes, but
I noticed it started getting harder to breathe.  Oh, and make sure
there is plenty of air available.  You want some oxygen left after
the nasties are filtered out. :-)  I've got a beard, so I smear
Glove-Cote in it to help the mask seal.

I got nitrile gloves from Harbor Freight (http://www.harborfreight.com).
Latex ones don't last a minute.  I go through a lot of gloves,
changing whenever they tear or get too sticky.  They're a closeout
specialist and cheap, but slow to ship.  I can't seem to connect
to their web site right now to get the phone number, but they also
have an online catalog.

 -- George

P.S. Thanks for the window restoration description.

  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.          http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Alberg30/

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