[alberg30] Re: Tiller play (was New Forhatch)

Steve Weingart shw at gate.net
Fri Jun 26 09:21:27 PDT 1998

From: Steve Weingart <shw at gate.net>


You are the master of ASCII art, your pic of the rudder fitting was great!

There is a place in Miami called Small Parts Inc. Ph (305) 558 1038 that
stocks all sorts of odd/small materials.  I know that they stock bronze and
SS tubing as well as delrin, nylon, etc.

If not, you might be able to go to W. W. Granger, etc. and find a bronze
bushing that would be close enough to fashion into the widget that you
need.  Maybe even try an old fashioned lawn mower repair shop or machine
shop, they sometimes stock standard bronze tube bushings.

Good luck,


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