[alberg30] Re: Compadres

FINNUS505 at aol.com FINNUS505 at aol.com
Sat Nov 28 13:31:50 PST 1998

From: FINNUS505 at aol.com

Hi (again!) Paul,
I like the interior you suggest. Basicaly you are moving a lot of weight
forward, which from everything I've heard is a good thing to do on Alberg
30's, since they tend to be heavy, or at least low in the stern because of the
hull sections and bouyancy, or lack of it, in the stern. It does sound like a
lot of work, though.
A true nav station is something I've always wanted, and your design should
give you a nice one aft. Sounds good.
The way I went about mocking up my interior idea, not being a proffesional,
was to start making forms in cardboard to get general ideas of space and
function. Once I was happy with the cardboard mockup, I went to cheap 1/4 inch
plywood, stiffened by 1 1/4 sq. stock, and all fastened with galvanised
sheetrock screws.  There were quite a few changes to be made in the 1/4 inch
plywood, so I was glad I didn't jump right into the expensive stuff. The next
step was 1/2 inch exterior plywood, which we will 'live' with for a while. If
it all works, then we break open the piggy bank and buy the teak and mahagony,
and do a nice job.
Your question about the amount of room under the quarterberth is completely
valid. I was planning on making it high, so that there would be room in the
stbd. cockpit locker for my feet, and enough 'head room' under the forward end
of the bunk, in the cabin, to store my two batteries. They are currently in
the for end of the stbd cockpit locker, where the prev. owner moved them to.
Its a bad spot for weight dist, and as he mounted them pretty high in there,
they are difficult to access.
The changes you suggest for your cabin are major, and I agree, a pro should be
consulted to make sure that from strength and weight distribution, it all
works. I don't know how to find a naval architect. I guess look in the
classifieds of Cruising, Sail, Messing About in Boats, etc, and call and get
Good Luck,
Lee Trachtenberg
Stargazer #255

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