[alberg30] Re: Whats this?

David Swanson zira at mindspring.com
Fri Apr 30 22:03:04 PDT 1999

From: David Swanson <zira at mindspring.com>

Greg -

You will need an antenna (and a way to mount it), a coupler, cable, and
connectors.  Figure ~$75.  For this, you get a unit which is less accurate than
DGPS, but has better repeatability (which is why they are still popular with the
off-shore fishing crowd.  Once you find a reef, etc., it will take you back to
the same spot much better than GPS or DGPS).  I'm not familiar with that unit,
but if it reads out in TDs only, it probably isn't worth messing with.  If it
does lat/lon, and perhaps some basic nav functions, it is probably worth while as
a backup, or to someone who doesn't want to blow $90 at Walmart for a cheap GPS.
Loran system is going to stay up until at least 2008.

My $.02.


greg vandenberg wrote:

> From: greg vandenberg <fashionguy at mailhost.kal.ameritech.net>
> A friend just handed me a loran C. I'm not sure what good it is to me  so I'm
> asking for a little impute. The name is (SI-TEX/ KODEN loran C 787C) I know
> they are going to phase out loran but it may make a good back up to the GPS.
> Do I need any thing special regarding antenna, ect.. to make it operate. Any
> direction is much appreciated.
> regards,
> greg
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