[alberg30] Re: spinnaker pole setup

sunstone sunstone at idirect.com
Mon Feb 22 02:54:14 PST 1999

From: sunstone <sunstone at idirect.com>

J. Sousa:

On my old A30 I had the pole with a double bridle.   Since we did end
for end pole transfers this arrangement was quite satisfactory.  One,
the head sail was hanked on making dip poling impossible with out an
expensive and gadgety pole car with control lines.   Secondly, the pole
dip requires crew to go forward to transfer sheet to guy putting the
crew at the narrowest part of the boat (bow/safety) and putting weight
at the worst place possible - the ends.  

End for end gybing allows the crew to stay near the mast and shrouds and
by slacking the up and down hauls a foot or so means the pole weight is
easily manageable by the less than strong and more ham handed of us.

A down haul is mandatory to prevent the pole from shooting up
uncontrollably and possibly, though unlikely, taking out a spreader in a
heavy gust.

Mount a block either on the deck at the forepeak bulkhead with an
aluminium L bracket backing tied in to support the deck via the
bulkhead.  Or attach the block to the stem fitting, however the angle
will be less than ideal.

Mounting a pole is a matter of taste and doubtless no two Skippers will
agree.  The easiest, most non committal way is to lash a couple of
stainless steel O rings to the inboard side of the stanchions, go
sailing and try it out.  Our A30 had the pole attached to the deck,
that's the way she came and we raced the LORC long distance overnight
series winning our division in 1987,88,89 as well as divisional wins in
2 double handed 300 mile non stop races in 1990,91 before we sold the
boat for an A37 (just keeping it in the family). 

The quarter blocks can be mounted at the aft quarters, there is a space
for them marked in the non skid on most generations of A30.  Use diamond
shaped pad eyes, robust ones with large backing plates.  I prefer this
arrangement, although in heavier air you will need to choke it at the
aft end of the genoa track or stanchion base near it.  If you mount the
quarter blocks normally at the aft independent stanchion remember to put
the lashing around the whole base and not just through the forward eye
for strength - put a big backing plate on as well!  If you go for the
stanchion mount blocks be advised that a proper sized A30 chute will be
flying partly stalled, although pretty, under average conditions and
will not give you optimal performance.   For chute sizes contact the
Chesapeake or Great Lakes Alberg Associations or Email me or George

Remember that the quarter block loading is twice the line load as the
line doubles back on its self so use larger blocks from a good
manufacturer like Schaffer or Fico, do not use breakable or snatch

Fair winds,

J Birch, A-37 Suntone  

J.Sousa wrote:
> From: "J.Sousa" <jsss at net1plus.com>
> Having recently purchased a spinnaker pole for Carina Vela, we have a
> few questions concerning the rig setup.  The pole that we purchased has
> double bridles.  On several boats, I have seen a downhaul setup using
> the lower bridle.  Is this necessary on an A30? and if so, where is the
> most convenient location to mount the blocks on deck?  Also, is it more
> convenient to mount the pole directly on deck? on lifeline stanchions?
> or on the mast?
> Regards,
> Chris Sousa
> #114
> Carina Vela
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