[alberg30] (no subject)

Ken Butler kbutler at isn.net
Sat Jan 9 17:08:03 PST 1999

From: Ken Butler <kbutler at isn.net>

  Thanks to "onelist" and Mr. Mathew Wynn in Halifax I found  mast for
Swamba about 80 miles from where I live.The mast is from a CS 35' and it is
about 45' long.The CS apparently is keel stepped.Has anyone tried to do the
same with the Alberg ?I know the boat is narrow and the location of the
head and locker would make for problems, still it should be possible.The
mast has been completely stripped and I need the numbers for the back stay
forestay and shrouds does any one out there have them ?

                                                               Ken Butler

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