[alberg30] Tradewinds
FINNUS505 at aol.com
FINNUS505 at aol.com
Sat Jan 9 13:46:01 PST 1999
From: FINNUS505 at aol.com
Hi Tom,
Yes therre are superstitions that it is bad luck to change a boats name but
with a nice name name like Tradewinds anyway, you've got no problems.
when we bought our Alberg 30, it had a weird name painted on the stern. I
thought it was an english transliteration of something in Chinese. Turns out
Au' Quai means the dock, in french, and was a play on the name of the wife of
the owner before the guy who owned the boat before us. This name had to go.
The accepted method for satisfying Poseidon so that he will not be anngry
with you for changing the name of a vessel is as follows.
In the falll, when the boat is laid up, remove any trace of the old name from
the boat.
Allow 6 months to pass.
In an ornate, happy ceremony, place the new name on the boat, and pour lots of
beer and high quality champagne on the water in Poseidon's name.
Good Luck`.
Lee Trachtenberg
Stargazer, #255
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