[alberg30] Re: spreaders
Tom Sutherland
tomsu at uky.campuscw.net
Sat Jan 16 10:12:47 PST 1999
From: Tom Sutherland <tomsu at uky.campuscw.net>
Ken............What is it exactly you are going to do with these
measurements ? I do not remember seeing your original post. I have my rig
beside my house and the spreaders are in my shop to be refinished.
The length of mine are 36 & 3/4 inches and they are dimpled in about 3/4
of an inch on the end where the shrouds rest. Also on # 412 the base of the
spreader looks like it sets away from the mast by about 1/2" or so. I would
guess that this mounting arrangement has changed over the years so if you are
looking for an exact distance from the "extrusion" of the mast to the point of
attachment of the shroud I could bolt the spreader back on the mast and
measure again.
Also if you need the measurement of any of the shrouds either aft, side or
shortys please let me know and I will uncoil mine and measure them for you
..... My fore stay runs through a roller furling and I can also try to get an
accurate account of that also.
Tom S
a/berg 30 #412
Ken Butler wrote:
> From: Ken Butler <kbutler at isn.net>
> I stilll have not received information about the length of stays and
> shrouds for the Alberg 30.I know unless someone has these recorded some
> place it would be a pain to take these measuremnts but ,perhaps someone has
> a spreader at hand and could tell me the length ?The nearest Alberg is
> about hundred miles from here so it would be a lot easier to get this
> information by EM.
> Thanks
> Ken Butler
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