[alberg30] Starter Motor - Alberg 30

Jim Rogers JRogers at scelectric.ca
Wed Jul 7 05:29:02 PDT 1999

From: Jim Rogers <JRogers at scelectric.ca>

I am having intermittent starter problems even though the starter was
rebuilt last Spring.  I contacted the marina that rebuilt the starter, but
they were not much help.

The problem is, that when I press the start button the solenoid pulls the
gear out to engage the flywheel, but the starter motor does not seem to
receive any power.  If the start button is push a few times it will  start.
Once this happens it will operate properly.

It appears that the solenoid is not pulling back far enough to engage the
starter motor contact.

The engine is a 4 cylinder Gray Marine Sea Scout.

I hope someone can be of assistance

Jim Rogers


Jim Rogers

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