[alberg30] Starter Motor - Alberg 30

Jim Rogers JRogers at scelectric.ca
Wed Jul 7 06:58:19 PDT 1999

From: Jim Rogers <JRogers at scelectric.ca>

	I have replaced the start button and was going to replace the key
switch and all the wiring, but I will change the main positive battery
cable first.

	Thanks for your help.

	Jim Rogers  XANADU II  #90

> ----------
> From: 	Marjorie Goettle[SMTP:mgoettle at erols.com]
> Reply To: 	alberg30 at onelist.com
> Sent: 	Wednesday, July 07, 1999 12:10 PM
> To: 	alberg30 at onelist.com
> Subject: 	Re: [alberg30] Starter Motor - Alberg 30
> From: Marjorie Goettle <mgoettle at erols.com>
> Are you sure that the problem is in your starter or solenoid?  We had 
> identical symptoms starting last summer and getting worse this spring.
> It was extremely intermittant.  It has not happened since we replaced
> the main positive battery cable, which tested ok but was old.  The
> marine electrician at Yankee Point that we finally described the
> symptoms to after lots of troubleshooting on our own said, "Usually
> those symptoms indicate somethng electricial".  We have a Yanmar.
> Marjorie Goettle   Jubilant #435
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