[alberg30] Re: Prop Ghurus assist, please!

Gordon E. White gewhite at crosslink.net
Sat Mar 6 13:16:49 PST 1999

From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>

     I have not seen any apparent cavitation wear on my bottom. She's
high & dry right now and I will look at her Sunday and check the size of
the aperture.

    Incidentally, the Alberg rudder does not have the far right-left
travel of many later boats with spade rudders, but then she's got a
pretty deep rudder. Just an observation.

    For you 2-blade guys, what size 2-blade are you running? Thinking
about the drag of my 3-blade has raised questions in my mind, and since
she's out of the water anyway...

                                - Gordon White

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