[alberg30] Wooden beam

Forhan, Thomas Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov
Thu Oct 21 11:34:31 PDT 1999

From: "Forhan, Thomas" <Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov>

Shawn, you need to get an aluminum support beam. Buy the maintenance manual
from George Dinwiddie, the fix and some alternatives are discussed in it.
Then, as Bob said, buy the beam from Read Beigle, jack up the old one, and
install it. If you are in the Annapolis area,  Read will do the whole job
for you. 

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	shawnwilliam at msn.com [SMTP:shawnwilliam at msn.com]
	Sent:	Thursday, October 21, 1999 1:59 PM
	To:	alberg30 at onelist.com
	Subject:	[alberg30] Wooden beam 

	From: shawnwilliam at msn.com

	I was asked to discuss in detail whats wrong with my wooden support
beam. It sags.  I cannot close the door to the v-bearth, and I have noticed
that the fiberglass has buckled, and the shrouds are not tuned properly,
when they were at the beginning of the season.


	Shawn Orr
	IL Molino

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