[alberg30] Spinnakers & drifters

finnus505 at aol.com finnus505 at aol.com
Thu Feb 24 09:58:00 PST 2000

From: finnus505 at aol.com

Hey Sanders, 
Genakers, cruising spinakers, drifters, bloopers-all sails for light airs, 
generly downsind and reaching.
Basicaly, it sounds like you need a drifter, which is alarge genoa like sail, 
made of light, ripstop nylon, and is attached by tack, clew and halyard. The 
modern drifters are not attached to the forstay by hanks. They do not require 
a whisker pole. For realy light air, you may want to use smaller diameter, 
lighter sheets, so the sail can fly better.
A cruising spinaker is a sail that would be flatter and smaller than a racing 
spinaker for the same boat. easier to handle and keep full. Still there is 
the pole to deal with, and since it is fuller than the drifter, is more prone 
to collapse while your sailing, with all the entanglements possible with that 
eventuality.  If you singlehand, you certainly can fly a cruising spinaker, 
but it takes alot of attention to keep it full, and to take it down without 
fouling it.  
a genaker is a drifter-like sail that has it's tack on the end of a spinaker 
pole. It is a racing sail.
a blooper is like a drifter, and is flown in racing, on the oppositeside of 
the boat from the spinaker, to catch every last bit of wind that is out there.
As I said, from what you are describing, I think a drifter would suit your 
needs nicely.
hope this helps,
Stargazer #255

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