[alberg30] Good winter reading; Shackleton

Tom Sutherland sutherlandt at prodigy.net
Mon Jan 31 18:41:56 PST 2000

From: Tom Sutherland <sutherlandt at prodigy.net>

For what it is worth "Endurance" the story of Shackelton's expedition is
also available on tape. A friend of mine had it with him on an auto trip
we took a few months ago and I will tell you .... It was riveting !

Tom S
A30  #412

FINNUS505 at aol.com wrote:

> From: FINNUS505 at aol.com
> Hey George,
> There are several books about that Shackleton expedition.  I beleive
> the one
> I read a couple of years ago was simply titled "Endurance", if I
> remember
> correctly.

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