[alberg30] OpSail 2000, New York Harbor

David Bogle BOGLE at BWAY.NET
Thu May 4 16:03:33 PDT 2000

finnus505 at aol.com wrote:
> Hi Sanders, David,
> Hope you don't mind me chiming in here, but ....snip


Are you kidding, here?  That was an incredibly useful description/advice
posting, and I want to thank you.  If I had been sailing this boat for
at least a season, and had a crew other than my 5 1/2 month old son and
his mother....and the time....

Also thanks for the jack line posting.  I just got the mainsail back
from having a new single reef point put in.  No more roller boom.

_______________________________/ /  /   /     /        /             /
David Bogle
brooklyn, ny
commander #92

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