[alberg30] Gas Tank Repacement

Lincoln Finkenberg LFinkenberg at emmetmarvin.com
Wed May 24 14:13:22 PDT 2000

  Need to replace the gas tank.  The one in there is a 5 gallon 
removable, clearly not the original so my concern is where is the gas 
tank suppose to go exactly, what is the best way to vent it and where 
do I get one?  Unfortunately based on my inquiries so far the last Q 
is proving elusive.
  I saw someone else re-did their grey marine -- the gasket on the 
shaft "leaked" on mine, about 10 quarts worth before we got it to the 
marina, so had to replace it and while I was at it had the engine 
done over -- its compression was excellent and no leaks when they did 
the pressure test.
  Appreciate the help and if anyone sails over to shea stadium give 
me a holler.

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