[alberg30] Gas Tank Repacement

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Wed May 24 19:01:37 PDT 2000


The original gas tank was about 10 or 12 gallons and mounted under
the cockpit sole.  Because of the angle of mounting, it could not
be filled to capacity.  You can get, or have built, a tank to fit
this space.  Many people have gone with a ~18 gallon vertical tank
mounted on the "shelf" in the starboard cockpit locker.

The older boats have a vent along the coaming just above the deck.
I believe these are prone to getting water infiltration, and they
may not meet current standards.  Newer boats have a vent in the

 - George

Lincoln Finkenberg wrote:
>   Need to replace the gas tank.  The one in there is a 5 gallon
> removable, clearly not the original so my concern is where is the gas
> tank suppose to go exactly, what is the best way to vent it and where
> do I get one?  Unfortunately based on my inquiries so far the last Q
> is proving elusive.
>   I saw someone else re-did their grey marine -- the gasket on the
> shaft "leaked" on mine, about 10 quarts worth before we got it to the
> marina, so had to replace it and while I was at it had the engine
> done over -- its compression was excellent and no leaks when they did
> the pressure test.
>   Appreciate the help and if anyone sails over to shea stadium give
> me a holler.
>   Gypsy
>   138
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