[Alberg30] Going aloft

James Davis a30240 at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 2 19:39:00 PDT 2001

On Isa Lei, I use a block and fall to go aloft.  I hoist it on the main halyard, and use the spinnaker halyard as my back up.  The tackle is five part, so when rigged for going aloft I have a 4:1 purchase.  I can go up alone, if FORCED, but prefer to have someone on deck hoist me.  This way I can assist in going up and also control my rate of decent.  All I have to do is keep a hand around the tackle, it can't run if I tighten my grip.  

Also as people from the fall cruise, a couple years ago, will remember it can get quite a strain when rigged from a masthead to an anchor set on a long scope.  Helps heal a boat to pull it off.

Jim Davis
Isa Lei
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