[Alberg30] Fixing bad decks

Brian and Elaine Timmins timmins at optonline.net
Sat Aug 11 16:15:07 PDT 2001

   Cork Strips? I'm curious, do you remember which magazine and what issue?
Any reason your aware of to use cork instead of teak? I agree that glueing
down is better than screwing down but why not glue down teak?

   I'll be on vacation for a week or so. Trying to sail to Block Island from
Jamaica Bay again. Once again, it appears to be wind right on the nose and I
don't fancy 130 miles hard on the wind (and my wife won't tolerate it
either). We'll have to wait and see. It's off the dock by 10:00 AM tomorrow.
Brian     #497
----- Original Message -----
From: <SandersM at aol.com>
To: <public-list at alberg30.org>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Alberg30] Fixing bad decks

> In a message dated 8/6/01 1:15:15 PM, SwiftLaw at aol.com writes:
> >Any suggestions for me. I want to replace my deck with teak. Should I
> >it all down and start fresh?
> See a therapist?
> Seriously, putting on a teak deck will be extremely expensive, add lots of
> weight above the waterline, create endless possibilities for leaks, and
> vastly increase the odds of developing delamination in the deck lay-up.  I
> also on a listserve for old Chris Crafts and, simultaneously with your
> they are having a spirited discussion about ways to fix boats with problem
> teak decks (a redundant and repetitive phrase).  You don't need to buy
> yourself that headache.
> If you must have the look and feel of teak, you might consider laying down
> glued cork strips.  I saw an article in a recent boating magazine that
> described it -- the color can be matched to teak, and you use the same
> compound between the strips, and it gets glued down so you don't have the
> same portential for leaks and delamination, and the cork stripping is
> and about 1/3 the price of teak.  If it's done well, it is
> near-indistinguishable from teak.
> Just my $0.02.
> Sanders McNew,
> Member Emeritus.
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