[Alberg30] A-30 refit

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Mon Aug 27 17:01:00 PDT 2001


That's a lot of questions, all at once.  Probably every sail loft
in Annapolis has made sails for an Alberg 30.  Most people put a
holding tank under the port V-berth, where the drawer normally is.
Others don't want to lose a drawer and have found other places.
Generally, it's my opinion that people are unhappy with replating.
I don't know what it is, but chrome doesn't seem to last as long
as it used to; probably has to do with newer techniques that
reduce the emission of poisons.  Lots of boats have fitted anchor
platforms, lots of different designs.  As for engine controls and
gauges, you don't say what engine you have.  Don Moyer has stuff
for the Atomic 4 (www.moyermarine.com).  Most boats don't have an
inner forestay.  The sailplan drawing shoes a staysail, but very
few boats have ever rigged one.

These are just some quick answers.  My advice is to take things
one thing at a time.

 - George

Stuckintheriggin at aol.com wrote:
> I recently aquired hull #290 and am in the process of total refit. I
> am
> interested in a set of sails or would appreciate a recomendation for
> the name
> of a sailmaker that other Alberg-30 owners have used.  interested in
> how
> others have fitted a holding tank, where they've gotten deck hardware
> (replacement or plateing work ), has anyone fit an anchor platform?
> where to
> get engine controls and new guages, would the old pitot tube location
> be
> suitable for a paddle wheel ?  My boat has an inner forestay... is
> that
> typical ?    These are just a few of my questions. I am working out
>  Most of
> the details myself but feel there is no point re-inventing the wheel
> with
> such a strong association available .   Anyone on the Long Island
> sound wish
> to compare notes...that would be a big help!!
> Tony Thorne
> Puffin #290
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