[Alberg30] A-30 refit

SandersM at aol.com SandersM at aol.com
Mon Aug 27 19:18:09 PDT 2001

In a message dated 8/27/01 9:52:39 PM, gdinwiddie at min.net writes:

<< Generally, it's my opinion that people are unhappy with replating.
I don't know what it is, but chrome doesn't seem to last as long
as it used to; probably has to do with newer techniques that
reduce the emission of poisons. >>

I've been investigating rechromers and have heard nothing but raves about a 
fellow named Steve up in Kensington, MD (NW DC suburb).  I've lost his 
business's web URL but you can email him at metroplating1 at home.com.  Good 
luck, and let me know what you think if you choose to use him.

Sanders McNew
Alberger Emeritus
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