[Alberg30] Beautiful Scenic Aromatic New York City

Brian and Elaine Timmins timmins at optonline.net
Mon Jan 8 17:37:19 PST 2001

I live in Brooklyn Heights 
I keep my A30 at a marina in Connecticut so I never make it out there in 
seasonable months.  But as  I drive 1.5 hours on a good day I was intrigued 
to read your report on sailing waters so much closer.

      Once the season gets rolling, come on down (let me know your coming first, or just take a chance (I am the only pretty boat in the marina, almost)) and we'll go out sailing in the bay. Love to have you. I know that when you get far enough out in the sound, there is some wind in the sound, at least in the afternoon. I used to crew on a freinds Morgan 38 out of Centerport L.I. in the Target Rock race series, if there was enough wind to move. Come to Jamaica Bay almost anyday. There is something about the way Brooklyn heats up in the sun, hot air rises, and the winds just come right in from the ocean. Frequently, I'll have to reef passing Coney Island, but if the day takes me toward Sandy Hook, the reef comes out by the NY harbor entrance channel and sometimes I'm even becalmed by the time we approach the "Hook". Yes the wind does pick up again on the return trip.
      I live out in West Hempstead (near Hempstead Lake State Park if you don't know Long Island) and IF (!) I don't get stuck in traffic, it's only 20 minutes to the boat. Yes, it usually takes longer.

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