[Alberg30] Keels and leaks

Randy Katz randyk at bertschi.org
Sat Jun 23 10:02:30 PDT 2001

   Really great to hear from all of you about the leaks and probes into the
nether world of keel spaces.  I was getting pretty anxious about the mystery
leak until hearing from you and realizing that many others have dealt with
it.  Whew!

   There's a useful book I found, Maintenance and Repairs: Keeping your boat
looking and operating like new, published in 98 by Belvoir Publications
(Practical Sailor).  It has extensive info about internally ballasted keels
and their associated problems.  (External keels have their own, different,
problems.) plus directions on basic repairs that "anyone" can do.  The main
thing with our boats is to be sure to deal with ruptures to the keel
laminates in a timely manner.  When water starts getting in due to
groundings (the mostly likely cause of those leaks, it appears) problems get
more complicated.  Iron ballast can begin to rust and expand.  Also, water
on the inside can exacerbate blistering--

   The commonly recommended solution that I've come across (this is not from
first-hand experience, but from you all and from reading) is hauling the
boat, finding cracks/holes (their precise locations are not always
obvious!), opening them up, drying out (is this really ever done
completely?  No!), and resealing.  A number of you have followed this route
with success-- you inspire the rest of us.

    My boat-- 3067249--  also has that putty-like stuff at the bottom of the
bilge under the engine.  On the next haulout I'll be delving into that, but
also plan to pull the rudder foot (the metal piece) which is where I found
persistant, but very slow, dripping during the last haulout.   My plan is to
check that out, perhaps drill a couple of holes to see what dribbles out,
search for other cracks from a possible previous grounding, and then seal it
up with epoxy.  This isn't off track, is it?

   A positive note about  all this that I understand is that the laminates
around the hull are typically laid up very thickly.  This was illustrated by
the A-30 fellow who opened up the crack to a depth of 2-3" (?).

   In the meanwhile the new elec. bilge pump should do it.

   Thanks again to all who've responded about this.

   I'd still very much like to see any technical drawings showing the keel a
la Whitby building specs. in order to gain a more complete picture of what
the heck is down there.  Let us know if you find more leads on locating

Randy Katz
910 - 32nd Ave. 
Seattle, WA. 98122

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