[Alberg30] Lazy Jacks

Robert Kirk kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov
Sat Mar 31 18:08:30 PST 2001

At 09:10 PM 3/29/01 -0500, Guy Lalonde wrote:

>I'm also considering installing a sail handling system. Any opinions out 
>there on lazy jacks, EZ Jax or the Dutchman ?
>My understanding is that the EZ Jax would be like lazy jacks except one 
>can raise or lower the system. Lowered when you want to raise the sail so 
>the battens don't get caught up in the system. Raised when you want to 
>take the sail down to catch it.
>Whereas the Dutchman has vertical lines running down from the topping lift 
>to the boom. The lines run through a set of grommets (in the sail) that 
>line up with the lines. Supposedly when you drop the sail, it folds up 
>real nicely.

I have the Dutchman. It  was installed when I bought Isobar and I've been 
very happy with the system. I also have full battens which makes a better 
combination with the dutchman.  For a singlehander, the sail flakes nicely 
by itself and can be dropped on almost any point of sail.  I haven't had 
any problems with the sail hanks sticking and don't use a lubricant.  The 
worst part is rigging the thing in the spring, but it's no problem after 
that.  Also, you need to have your sail cover resewn with 2 zippers at the 
line points.

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181

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