[Alberg30] Bomar Inspection hatches

Randy Katz randyk at bertschi.org
Fri Apr 19 11:36:59 PDT 2002

   I remember recent discussion about this topic, specifically with regard
to installing cockpit sole hatches for improved engine access.  FOr once I
did something halfway smart and called the Bomar people to inquire about the
waterproofness of these white, double locking-lever hatches:  they are *not*
intended for water tight purposes says the customer service rep.
   Whew--  that minor disaster averted, it's time to reread posts on the
topic and find the right hatch-- keeping in mind the surgical procedure in
the port laz recommended by George and others.

Randy Katz
910 - 32nd Ave. 
Seattle, WA. 98122

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