[Alberg30] Renewing/replacing engine stringers?

Randy Katz randyk at bertschi.org
Fri Apr 19 11:46:03 PDT 2002

   Well, guess what I noticed the other day during replacement of the fuel
pump filter ( another story in itself-- brother!):  the Universal M3-20B
installation of 1995 in my #249 was simply added over the existing beds
without reinforcement.  (Let's not get into why this didn't come up at
survey time last year.)  One of those FG stringers (std side) is drooping a
full inch or maybe more in the middle (between the for. and aft supports).
Sort of spoils plans for a soon-to-go trip, I think, though no
engine-running problems have shown themselves so far.

   A question for the group--  anyone know of printed materials or other
sources of info on pulling an engine or doing some of this stringer job
myself, with intermediate skills?

    The first estimate came in at $3-4000 for doing the entire thing
(ouch!).  At that rate I figure I can at least devise  some way to drag the
engine out of the way for the FG guys.

   Another estimate is coming on Monday.

   Anyone dealt with this?  CAn the stringers be retroactively reinforced by
filling in the space underneath, something that wouldn't require the full

   Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Randy Katz
910 - 32nd Ave. 
Seattle, WA. 98122

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